
Hope Springs Water's newest W.A.S.H. (water, sanitation, hygiene) zone is in Bungoma County, Kenya, where the initial wells are planned to help widows and orphans.

Kenya Country Coordinators Candace and Damon Donnell spent two years building a relationship with InJesus Global Missions and End Times Church Pastor Moses Wafula. The pastor oversees the spiritual and natural needs of 25 churches, 4 orphanages that provide for a minimum of 400 orphans and 100 widows. Each day, these orphanages load 50-gallon containers onto mule wagons to retrieve the day's water. They spend an average of 8 hours a day collecting water.

Further development projects in this region are endless. The vision for this area includes clean water, merely as a starting point alongside hygiene education, and regular meals. Part of this vision is to construct living space, schoolhouses, and facilitate structurally, a means to self-sustain the financial demands to run such an endeavor.


The Rural WaSH Project of the Hope Springs Water (HSW) seeks specifically address the acute water and sanitation needs of the Elu District and surrounding areas of Southern Shewa Zone of the Oromia Region. The project with collaborate with the community, public, and private sectors to address the water and sanitation needs of rural communities through a holistic, community-based development approach. HSW provides expertise, equipment, and financial resources to complement local initiatives and resources to develop community water supply schemes, improve sanitary facilities, assist in providing health and hygiene education, especially advocating for women and girls, and building local capacity for water and sanitation services. HSW works with local communities to form WaSHCOs (water, sanitation and hygiene committees) in each target community. Assistance is provided to design and construct appropriate and sustainable pure water sources. Community WaSH education and water supply scheme maintenance training help ensure long-term sustainably. HSW works with selected district schools and health facilities to improve gender specific sanitary latrines.

HSW has chosen to target the Oromia Region Elu District because of contacts the founders and board members have with community leaders and government officials in the Elu District. Members of the general assembly of HSW have developed working relationships with local community leaders, the district water department, the health Department, and the Education Department. The plans and execution of this project have been discussed with zonal and district government officials. Implementation is carried out in conjunction with local communities after appropriate needs assessments and priorities have been established. This project takes in to consideration the national and regional GTP-2 plans, objectives, targets and desired outcomes. The primary beneficiaries will be the venerable children and families who do not have access to adequate potable water and sanitation facilities. The primary objective of the project is to partner with local communities and governmental agencies to improve health and human development by addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene needs of rural children, girls, women and families.